Kathtip Tanpoonkiat
"What are all these people doing in this hot room? Are they crazy?"

Hailing from Bangkok, Thailand, Kathtip discovered Bikram Yoga through a friend who wanted to lose weight and convinced Kathtip to try the class. Within the first 30 minutes she had to sit down. She thought to herself, "What are all these people doing in this hot room? Are they crazy?" But after the class she experienced a feeling of lightness that she had never felt before. The world was so beautiful that night! And that feeling was what brought her back to the class.

nothing gives her more satisfaction
than witnessing her students reap the benefits of Bikram Yoga

Before starting Bikram Yoga, Kathtip suffered from such severe lower back pain and sciatica that sometimes render her unable to report to work. She found that the only time the pain went away was when she went to the Bikram class, so she dragged herself to Bikram Yoga classes whenever possible. Soon, she started to feel much less pain outside of the class as well. She started to feel so good that she decided to attend the Bikram Yoga teacher training program in the fall 2007. She has been teaching Bikram Yoga ever since.

With teaching experience in USA, Bangkok and Hawaii, Kathtip finds the most rewarding experience is to teach someone to reach out beyond his or her limits. For example, she helped a student grab his heels in the Camel Pose; the deepest backwards bend, for the first time. To Kathtip, nothing gives her more satisfaction than witnessing her students reap the benefits of Bikram Yoga and to be able to help them achieve their health and wellness objectives.

Other Instructors in Singapore

Yujung Jeong
In October 2007, Yujung experienced her first Bikram Yoga class in Seoul, South Korea
Rohit Mistry
Rohit started practising Bikram Yoga in early 2004 after a recommendation from a friend

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