Hasinah Halim
Once a National Fencer for Brunei during her teenage years,

 Hasinah began practicing Bikram Yoga in 2010 while in London. Her preference for this form of exercise came about due to its sporty feel and the effects of stretching in a 41 degree Celsius studio.

It is more than simply “stretching in a heated room for 90 minutes”
Bikram Yoga is both physically and mentally therapeutic

Gradually, Hasinah learnt the benefits of Birkam Yoga, and how it is more than simply “stretching in a heated room for 90 minutes”. Since then, she has consistently been improving her postures and the control of her body. She has even competed in the UK Asana Championship.

As a graduate with a degree in Culture and Health, Hasinah recognized that Bikram Yoga is both physically and mentally therapeutic. With this interest, Hasinah soon became a Bikram Yoga instructor, with hopes that more people will learn about and embrace Bikram Yoga like she has.

“I’ve witnessed practitioners – young, old, Asian, Latin, Europeans, American, you name it – with spinal injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, psychological issues, mental disorders and many more health problems coming in for Bikram Yoga classes. I have watched them change for the better. The fact that Bikram Yoga is a beginner’s series makes it possible for anyone to start, but yet it is also challenging in many ways.”

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